Councillor Martin Bennett
Councillor Martin Bennett

Name: Councillor Martin Bennett
Email Address: mbennett@oswestryrural-pc.gov.uk
Position: Morda with Sweeney Ward
Status: Active
Sub-committees & Responsibilities
- Member of Personnel Committee
- Representative of the Shropshire Association of Local Councils Oswestry Area Committee
- Member of the Road Safety Working Group
- Vice Chairman of the Council
Declaration of Interest Forms
DPI Martin Bennett.pdf
Martin Bennett ORI.pdf
I first came to the NW area of Shropshire in 1976 and toured the area daily in my job as Mobile Librarian. I rapidly became familiar with the concept of restructuring in Local Government being caught up in them after 6 months and worked at Oswestry and other branches, eventually being moved to Shrewsbury, and fulfilling several different roles. When Telford Unitary Council was created, I spent the last 10 years of my working life there until early retirement and redundancy.
Throughout my working life I have had to be flexible in my thinking and learn to work in different ways, two characteristics I brought to my life as a Councillor on Oswestry Town Council, Oswestry Borough Council and Shropshire Council. Between my working life and my time as Councillor I can call upon some 60 cumulative years of experience. I have been Mayor 4 times – (3x Town 1x Borough).
In the voluntary sector, I was a member of the Oswestry CAB management committee for some 20 years, acting as Chair several times, and leading the nationally required reviews. I served as a Governor for 23 years, and Chair of Governors at what is now Holy Trinity school.
I was a member of the West Midlands Arts Council – which became the Arts Board, and then much more firmly part of the National Arts system.
I am currently Chair of the Ethos Group Oswestry – a local charity to provide transitional housing for persons with Spinal Injuries, and member of one of the Lichfield Diocesan Education committees. I have been a Local Preacher since 1997, and am Secretary to the Oswestry Methodist Church Council, and Pre-School Group.
I am a firm believer in democracy and local decision making. I was concerned and disappointed to learn that Morda and Sweeney Ward of the ORPC had been left without any Councillors following the last elections and offered myself for co-option to help fill the vacancies. I hope to serve all the residents in their needs to the best of my ability for the next 4 years.